Monday, January 6, 2014

The anniversary of my death

One year ago today I tried to take my own life with near success. A mentor of mine asked me how I felt. I said that I feel wonderful. I realized that the old me had to die and the real me has been revealed. 

After living in an extremely toxic environment for several years, I am finally at peace, hopeful, happy and successful in my own right!! I get my oil changed, I've repaired my own vacuum cleaner all by myself, I figure out how to get my car to the mechanic and back when it breaks down, I kill bugs, I go wherever I want whenever I want, I never have to watch television....ever, and I am traveling without any assistance from a man.

For the first time I'm LIVING my life. Living it without fear of the future. Living it with hopes and aspirations. Living in complete honesty with my true self...who I really am at my core.

I'm free. I could not care less what anyone else thinks of me. Although I never really did. LOL!! 

I see clearly that every trauma, every tragedy, every addiction, every relationship, every great and every sucky boss or job developed me into the amazing woman I have become!! There is no amount of schooling that could have taught me the things that I know.

Although I have some physical limitations as I find myself getting older, I adore aging. I hold babies and see so much more than a cute baby. I see LIFE. I see beauty. I see hope and an amazing future for this sweet little life. 

I love challenges and face them head on without fear. I know my tomorrow's will be more and more amazing than the days before. 

I know now more than ever that I have a MIGHTY, MIGHTY purpose. I am sad that I had to nearly lose my life to find it but in finding it I am 100% certain that my life and experiences will be used to help others find and discover their life. 

I'm excited about and completely energized helping others and look forward to the days to come when I witness others overcoming difficulties and discovering who they really, really are then becoming ALL they were destined to become!!!!

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