Saturday, July 10, 2010

My Transformation

The Face of Cancer from Kelley McElreath on Vimeo.
My transformation of losing my hair.


  1. Kelly, it has taken me too long to come back and visit your blog, or even contact you for that matter.....but I know God directed me here today to watch your inspiring video. Thank you for being the amazing woman that you are and even in the midst of your own pain, you can still inspire others to carry on when the world seems to have caved in on them....yet again.


  2. Kelly, I just found your blog. You are so brave and have probably helped so many ladies. My bff died 3 yrs ago from cancer. Started with breast Ca and spread. I shaved my head when she lost hers. I can certainly say you are treated differently during that time. I was a learning expierence for me. I am not a survivor, but have a very small inkling of a very small part of what you went thru. Watching your video brought tears to my eyes, and you handled it very positively, and I'm sure has brought reassurance to other survivors. Thank you for sharing your expierences with others.sally
